Microsoft 365 trainings


Teams is Microsoft’s collaboration hub that connects to all other tools in the Microsoft 365 suite. Its interface is customisable to suit all organisations. Teams allows, among other things, video conferencing, storage and file transfer with its teams.


of satisfaction


Master the essential features to collaborate effectively on Teams

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With this training, participants will be able to:

  • Use the basic features of Teams to collaborate effectively as a team
  • Apply good practices to facilitate team collaboration

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Optimize the organization of your Teams interface by mastering best practices

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With this training, participants will be able to:

  • Improve their team’s effectiveness using techniques, tools, and best practices in Teams.

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Become an expert in creating and configuring Microsoft Teams

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With this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the information architecture of Teams (Microsoft 365 Groups, Team Sites, SharePoint, etc.)
  • Apply best practices for team management in Teams
  • Explore advanced features in Teams

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Presentation of the training courses under the skills table

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In addition to your skills Teams…

Our clients testify

What could be better than the opinion of our participants who have experienced our courses.

  • Notre formateur a pris le temps de répondre avec professionnalisme à toutes nos questions. Il a été clair en général même si les questions posées sortaient parfois du cadre de la formation. C'est la deuxième formation que je suis avec votre organisme et à chaque fois, j'ai pu constater que vos formateurs sont d'excellents pédagogues sachant vulgariser des sujets compliqués pour les rendre facile à utiliser par tous. Merci!

    Participant anonyme au cours TEA-101

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